Hello dear guests. We produce elastics since 1996. Tekis Elastic was stablished by Cemal Tekin in 1996 and works with a pure love since that day. We use modern machines in production. Also we use qualified materials in production. We are one of the biggest elastic producers of Turkey and also do export various country all around the world.We product qualified waisband elastic, elastic tape and elastic cord everyday.
We do our job with a pure love and with high capacity. Customer satisfaction is really important for us everytime. We have 2000 centare production zone and produce various lastic products here with big amounts. Waistband elastic is our one of the best products.Also elastic tape is one of the most produced products here. Elastic cord is our one of the most qualified products as well. You only need to call us to work easily.
We have braided area, narrow woven area, finishing and fix area, packing area, management area. We produce: flat elastic, round elastic, double tube elastic, gaitan narrow woven products, elastic tape, printed elastic, tutu elastic, shoe elastics, honey comb elastic, button hole elastic, bias elastic, confection elastics. If you want to work with us we really be appreciate for that forever. www.tekislastik.com

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